Values & Business Update
I've been thinking about values since New Years Day.
Personal and Business ones. KVIST has gone through such a transformation the last 18 months and the values that I mapped out this time last year are not necessarily reflective of the company that I have now. And that's ok.
Like a business plan, values and boundaries can evolve and should be challenged regularly.
Fundamentally of course, I am still the same person and my core values remain a reflection of what matters to me and drives me.
So let me try my 2022 business values on for size with you. It's a bit of a work in progress still at this stage but I'd love your feedback.
🤓 Present
🎨 Creative
🎯 Appropriate
🧳 Adventure
What do these mean to me and why did I pick them?
My big focus this year is to create a sustainable environment both within my business and outside it, which means I can be truly present in the moment. In today's digital environment we are often distracted, multitasking and only half listening. It sucks. And it's rude. How many times have you found yourself nodding along then suddenly thought "hang on....what?!". 🤨
Well, I'm not going to do that anymore. It makes me feel guilty and spread thin. Delivering great work takes focus and clarity. So in 2022 it is all about being in the moment. That is when I shine ⭐
It will take structure and discipline to protect that. I'll have to work on it every day. Being present also means I won't be answering emails from the sidelines at Rugby Tots or worrying about whether I've double booked myself when I should be enjoying some quality Netflix time.
Creativity is what drives me. There is no greater joy for me than creative problem solving. Simple.
Alongside that, appropriate design is what I really pride myself on. Finding the right solution for the right client, at the right time and with the right investment. When a design 'fits' it's magic and you couldn't imagine it any other way. You've also not had to sell your soul to get it! To me, that is a RESULT.
Finally, adventure. A bit of an unusual one this - but I like it! Life should be an adventure and I've decided to embrace the fact that running a business and working on projects should be FUN. Why not?! If I don't make it a priority, who will?
And I want to make it fun for my clients to work together on their renovations too. So watch out for a sprinkling of unexpected treats and surprises 😉.
This year I want to work on things that challenge me, and support my clients on their journeys with optimism and excitement. I want to be ambitious in how I develop KVIST - and I want to make space for personal adventures along the way too🗺️
What do you think? Sounds good? x
Wow - you made it all the way to here!
Thank you for reading, and cheers to that! Hopefully you found this helpful.
If you did, please share on social media and shout about my blog and resources to anyone you know in need of a bit of support (or just cheering up whilst the building dust flurries around them - I get it!).
Photo credits:
Riccardo Annandale, Nick Morrison, Cristian Escobar from Unsplash